Nuestros Maestros

Profesionales apasionados en música y artes, listos para guiarte en tu camino artístico y creativo.

painting lot
painting lot
several guitars beside of side table
several guitars beside of side table

Los maestros son excepcionales, con gran experiencia y pasión por la enseñanza. ¡Altamente recomendados!

Mary Tovar

A street musician carries both an accordion and a double bass, standing in front of an ancient building with large columns and the inscription 'MAGRIPPAFECIT'. The scene is bustling with people in the background on a cobblestone path.
A street musician carries both an accordion and a double bass, standing in front of an ancient building with large columns and the inscription 'MAGRIPPAFECIT'. The scene is bustling with people in the background on a cobblestone path.
cellos resting on chairs inside building
cellos resting on chairs inside building


Proyectos Artísticos

Desarrollamos talento en diversas disciplinas artísticas y musicales.

person in red shirt playing piano
person in red shirt playing piano
Clases de Música

Aprende a tocar instrumentos con nuestros maestros altamente capacitados.

man in black jacket taking photo of city lights during night time
man in black jacket taking photo of city lights during night time
man in gray v neck long sleeve shirt playing brown acoustic guitar
man in gray v neck long sleeve shirt playing brown acoustic guitar
a woman is working on a piece of pottery
a woman is working on a piece of pottery
Talleres Creativos

Participa en talleres de dibujo, acuarela, pintura, escultura, danza y fotografía.